FIDGeT presents...

Trevor Loveys - Southampton's Freedom Bar - April 2006
Image & Words: © 2006 Udy & Kat

After a quick look on the Internet to locate the Freedom Bar, we find that it is apparently Southampton’s only Gay Bar and Club. Although this seems doubtful we are instantly reminded of a weekend spent in Berlin just a few weeks ago where our love of techno music also led us to a Gay venue. The music on offer is steady throughout the night and very rarely deviates from the stated theme of ‘Clicky House Music.’ This is no bad thing as it is hugely funky and at no point even approaches being cheesy. In fact the description does the style a huge disservice and is about as useful as the last of the great sub-genre descriptions: Tech-House. After the warm up set from event promoter Craig Walsh, we are treated to a great set from Trevor Loveys and Herve. Utilizing two laptops and a range of interactive control devices the pair fire off a set of their own material interspersed with a few cheeky remixes. So far so good, unfortunately the only other people in the room apart from your reviewers are around twelve friends of the promoter. This is a huge shame as with a bit more work in advance the night would be going off with a bang. As it stands the music is still very good but a huge part of the dance scene is having other people to share it with.