Russell Edmonds


Russell Edmonds

Why you have such a ridiculous name:

My Mum and Dad thought it was okay.


Russell Edmonds (guitar, vox), Andy Smith (guitar), Nader Rezaie (bass), Vicky Averre-Beeson (keyboards), Ross Baker (drums).


When & how you formed:

Russell and Nader began making an album of Russell’s acoustic songs approximately a year ago, that was only intended to be released for family and friends. The need for other instruments meant that Vicky and Ross were drafted in from local band The Monos, whom Nader played bass for. In November 2005 they decided to gig the album as well as some older songs Russell had written, because it turned out quite good, and so drafted in Andy who answered an advertisement for a ‘creative lead guitarist’.

Where can we usually find you if we want our money back or something?:

Nader’s flat, send the heavies round there.

The kinda sounds you play:

Paul McCartney with a bit of Britpop thrown in for good measure.

Your heroes:

The Beatles are the be all and end all of music, no one even comes close to being a ‘hero’.

Your thoughts on world politics:

I think that the sooner America has nothing to do with it, the better.

The top three things readers need to know about you:

1. We record all our stuff ourselves (mainly cos we’re poor)
2. We like scarves
3. Ross is single

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