Jinder - Willow Park CD

Jinder - CD Review - Willow Park

by PH

It is a rare thing to listen to an album that honestly reflects such a broad range of emotions, but Willow Park does this with ease. There is an underlying sadness in Jinder’s voice that provides another level to his songs, above the obvious song writing talent and deep, searching lyrics. This doesn’t, however, take anything away from the subtlety and diversity that runs through Willow Park. Catchy and full of life, ‘Aimee’ is an instant favourite and, like the majority of the songs, has an immediate familiarity that is comforting and endearing. Delving deeper, however, allows you to discover where the heart of this album really lies. Jinder’s voice is effortless and perfect for his music. It is textured and acrobatic enough for the likes of ‘Waiting Line’ but pained and vulnerable for ‘Your Name is the Saddest Word I know’. He creates an ethereal, haunting atmosphere with ‘Sephora Hurricanes’ and ‘In the Heat of the Morning’, which is just beautiful. The title track is a simple, but pained, almost desperate plea of a song – ‘Stop saying goodbye’ Jinder sings, ‘All I want is to be close to you’. It’s almost painful, yet absorbing and beautiful to listen to. An apt song to act as title for this album - music truly from the heart. Despite the majority of the songs being played on acoustic guitar, the occasional use of harmonica, electric guitar and piano are not out of place and provide a balance for the sublime simplicity that characterises Willow Park. Raw, full of emotion and superbly structured songs, this is an album that will make your life that much better for owning.

